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How to Pour the Perfect Candle with NatureWax

How to Pour the Perfect Candle with NatureWax


    How to Pour the Perfect Candle with NatureWax®

    There are many advantages to using vegetable wax in the place of paraffin, and here’s where you’ll find tips, tricks, and a little science to help you consistently pour better vegetable wax candles and get the most out of your NatureWax. 

    Getting consistently great results from your wax

    Here’s an overview of some vegetable wax best practices and rules of thumb to help you get the results you want from your candles with NatureWax in just five minutes.

    Got a specific question?

    Here’s some insight into how to identify an issue and adjust your process to eliminate it.

    When you’re working with vegetable wax, it’s always important to be consistent, consistent, consistent. The more you can keep variables like room temperature and humidity consistent, the easier it is to get reliable results—as well as isolating an issue and solving for it.

    Whenever you try to resolve an issue, it’s important to only change one variable, such as wick gauge, fragrance load, or cooling curve, at a time. If you’re already consistent with the things you can control like your process and temperatures, it just makes it easier to figure out which variables need to be adjusted. And always remember you might need to test, test, and test again to find the right mix of fragrance and wick size for your candle.

    My candle is cracking

    It starts with the wax

    Starting with the right wax is one of the best ways to ensure consistently successful candles. If you’re new to the NatureWax line of waxes, check out the recommended use tables for your region to help you find the one that’s right for your application.

    If you have additional questions, or are looking to find the perfect wax for you, Please call our direct line on +61 8741 4000 or email

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